Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Ta Da

I've finished the first page! It took me three months and it's only a partial, but it's done nonetheless.

I've gotten a second interview for what is pretty much my dream job. It's tomorrow. I'm crossing everything that can be crossed.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Happy New Year all!

I went away for a nice vacation with my dad's family and then my mom's family. First to California and then to a cruise.

It was all very nice, except for the vertigo that dogged me from plane flights to the boat.

In good news, I am able to stitch a little bit. Most of the progress is from before I left, but I did about 200 stitches in the last week. Almost done with the page!

In other news, my goal for the year is to complete 3 pages of Tree of Life and 1 page of Autumne, which will be a new start. A very modest goal, but hopefully that way I can complete it.

3200 stitches: